Just one month of daily exercises to change your internal voice to be more positive - so you can thrive in work and life. Sign up today!

Most of us have the Inner Critic. The nagging voice inside that points out every potential problem, highlights our flaws, and focuses all its attention on the negatives. It’s the human condition – being aware of threats helps us survive; being aware of positive things doesn’t. So if you had one slightly negative piece of feedback to fifty positive ones – guess where your mind will focus its attention?
Often – it’s useful and somewhat right. Maybe you should do more exercise, spend less time scrolling socials, and have a healthier diet – most of us should. But if it’s constantly nagging you, no matter what you do; if it’s more hurtful than helpful – then quietening it would be good. Can you imagine having a friendly, supportive voice inside?
Sound nice? Well, even better – it’s currently free.
Who is the program for?
- Leaders, managers and many folks in senior roles – who are driving themselves hard, and are too tough on themselves. If you tend to overwork to try to get things perfect, or feel you have to do everything yourself; if you’re feeling impostor syndrome – it’s probably your inner critic driving you.
- Women generally tend to have harsh inner critics holding them back. Maybe it’s a judgy voice carping on about your appearance. Maybe it’s warning you not to try new things. Maybe it’s saying you should stay in a bad situation or relationship. And – maybe you deserve a better voice and life.
- Younger folks – from their teens to the early thirties – can often lack confidence and can feel anxious and stressed. The teenage years are particularly notorious for social anxiety – but the twenties with all the changes in education, jobs, and trying to find a life path in often-toxic environments, are also pretty tough. Reducing the negativity of what you’re saying to yourself can help you thrive.
If any of the above resonates – even if you’re not any of these groups – come on, try it out.
What is the Inner Critic Program?
This program is devised to help people retrain their brains to disarm the inner critic and feel more positive. It’s a simple 4 week process, taking just a few minutes daily to try out different techniques and improve your ability to be nice to yourself – and feel better inside.
I’ve previously written more detail about the origins and context of the inner critic, and gave an overview of my ROAD framework. This program builds the framework out into a four week self study program, iterating and deepening each step – Reflect, Observe, Assess, Disarm – and enables you to use multiple tools and practice ways of improving your inner voice.

Overview of the program
- Benchmark survey – done at the start and the end, to assess in more detail how bad your critic is, and what impact it is having.
- Week by week progress – each week focuses on a different step of the ROAD framework. The last day of each week is a review or ‘synthesis’ of what you got from that week’s work – reflecting on what worked, and what you’ll want to continue in future.
- Week 1 – Reflect – questions to help you figure out the sources and history of your critic.
- Week 2 – Observe – questions to help you notice when the critic is causing your negative feelings, and how it talks to you.
- Week 3 – Assess – questions to consider the accuracy of what the critic says and how it says it.
- Week 4 – Disarm – questions to decide which tools work best for you in disarming the critic
- Daily exercises – every day, you’ll need a few minutes to do these three things:
- Question – one or more questions for you to respond to each day. You can respond with writing, voice notes, videos, sketches – whatever you prefer.
- Tool – a ‘Disarm’ tool to use – sometimes you’ll use the same tool for a few days; sometimes it changes daily.
- Check-in – a daily short survey: just one question to capture how your inner narrative was that day.
If you miss a day – don’t worry, just resume with the day you missed.
Start the Program now
The program is free to participants, while I’m gathering data on its success – I want to quantify how much positive change participants can expect from just a month of short daily exercises, and the long term impact. All I ask is that you give me plenty of honest feedback on your experience of the program throughout.
Similar programs cost around $1000 – so grab this while it’s free! I’ll add you to the next cohort, and you’ll get an email (or WhatsApp if you prefer) every day from the start.
Questions? Get in touch.